Thursday, August 20, 2009

A Puz Celebration....

wowo henry fired up the truck for a second day in a row. We are
going to visit puz before he heads for the rainbow bridge tommorrow.

we is gowin to say ower by bys to puz cos it do be is larst day toomoro. cos ee reeely il ...
@super_muffy We could play games if there's no music. the
nose on the human...or red rover...or... what are some of @puzthecat's favorite songs we can
play them on the #truckwe dussnt want no sad song ... ownly apppy wuns ....
we gonna have happy day today on wif @Puzthecat and save tears for tomorrow, purrrr

Yes Henry, I have brought some lucky white Scottish
heather for @PuzTheCat for his journey tomorrow #puztruck

wen ee do gow ova raynbow bridj ellin ee wil be appy an ther do be lots frends to welcom im aswel
@RockumSockum no teers now rokkum ... we is gowin to selbrayt Puz
“Most precious gift we can offer others is our presence. When
mindfulness embraces those we love, they will bloom like flowers.”

.......................... TOOOOOOOOOT ... @PuzTheCat .... we av com see yoo ..... #puztruck

I brought a little flower for
Then I could hear all sorts of good wishes whispered and spoken along with lots of hugs and tears......
@GeorgeTheDuck HURRAY!!!!!! *waves wings* 3 cheers for
Puz! HIP HIP HURRAY! #puztruck
>You are a good kitty and a good friend and I will miss you so very
much! LUVS
>peace to you on your journey. I will be thinking about and wish
comfort for your parent.
>Hello everyone, just popped in to join Puz and raise my glass to the
Ambassador of Ham, cheers
>I wish there was words to help puz and his humans.... for every tear
there is a happy memory to replace them....
>I've made you a nommy catnip cake, have cut it into tiny pieces for
>Journey well, dear Puz. May your spirit soar free and happy above us
all *GentleMarmaladeMorrisHuggles*
>Nose taps and smooches to @PuzTheCat. As @Petiethecat said, may u soon b free from pain & playing in fields of catnip. You will be missed.

@GeorgeTheDuck*pulls magic blender and a huge ham out of cooler* ok! hamtinis comin up!(everyone knows how much Puz loves ham)Time for a toast with my catniptini, "To my very brave friend @PuztheCat -- a lifetime isn't long enuf 2 know u! We loves u, Puz!"
and lots of cups and glasses and paws were raised in deep respect to Puz.
i fink is time we is gowin now cos we dussnt want @PuzTheCat to be to tired.... al abord th truk an we al gow bak toogevva ... #puztruck
GeorgetheDuck *packs up cooler and glasses* let's not leave trash for Puz's mom to pick up
Then quietly I hear.... tis is speshly for @PuzTheCat ..♫ th weels on th truk gow rownd an rownd .. rownd an rownd ..rownd an rownd.. ♫ th weels on th ...
The rainbow bridge is paved with love...
@SwtGeorgiaBrwn Isn't it wonderful? Puz is bringing so many of us
together who may not have met otherwise. Thanks @PuzTheCat!
As always,

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