Friday, March 19, 2010

Goodbye Winter!

Today is the last day of winter.

So I thought I better say goodbye

to the last of the winter snow.

Thought I best do it today,

as tommorrow we are suppose to get

spring snow.

Spring Snow??!!!!

what's up with that?!!!


  1. Not spring snows! da white stuff iz sposed ta be over nao! wot fur skrewy wevver u do be habbin!

  2. Isn't it just grant (tongue in cheak). Weatherman says we could have 3 more snowfalls yet. UGH!

  3. Hi Huntyr!!! I just follow you nice blog! You are a nice guy who has good ideas! Congratulations!!!

    Take this opportunity to wish you a warm and flower Spring!

    #loveNpurrs from Brasil!

  4. Yay no more winter that is fantastic!
